EMSB committed to Genocide Education

Joe Ortona, Heidi Berger, Marcy Bruck and Julien Feldman.

EMSB Chair Joe Ortona and Commissioner Julien Feldman met with Heidi Berger and Marcy Bruck from the Foundation of Genocide Education. Its mission is to collaborate with governments and educational experts to ensure that the history of genocide and the steps leading to it are taught in high schools across Canada and the United States.

Representatives from organizations  continue to speak at EMSB schools. The EMSB has already adopted resolutions calling for mandatory education related to the Holocaust and genocide.

The Foundation was the driving force behind the Quebec Education Ministry’s initiative to create a universal guide on teaching genocide. Ms. Berger is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor.

This educational tool features case studies of nine significant 20th century genocides, including the First Nations genocide, definitions of the stages leading to genocide, along with customizable teaching plans and reference materials. The interactive guide is now available in French  and English online in every high school across Quebec, reaching over 310 000 students in 800 schools. No other resource has achieved such a widespread educational impact on the study of genocide. Educators from across Canada are eager to review this unique educational tool and bring it to their classrooms.

For more information go to https://gened.org/the-guide/ 

Dunrae Gardens Visits Museum

Grade 6 students at  Dunrae Gardens Elementary School in TMR visited the Montreal Holocaust Museum after a month of learning about the Holocaust. The visit

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